Fall is a great time of year. The leaves are changing, the weather is getting cooler (but not too cool), and the pumpkins and hay bales are adorning everyone’s porch. Fall is also a great time of year to have your HVAC system tuned up to ensure it can handle the rigors of winter.
So get ready for sweater weather by reading this week’s blog and getting prepared for the cooler months ahead. Oh, and don’t forget to book a tune up by an experienced HVAC contractor at Warm or Breezy Heating & Cooling.
Here’s why fall is the perfect time for a tune up.
Lower Energy Bills
A properly working HVAC system quite simply uses less energy to run, which translates to lower energy bills, which in turn saves you money each month. Reducing your carbon footprint and lowering utility bills puts more money in your pocket and reduces the strain on your system at the same time.
Money Savings
When your HVAC system runs at peak performance, you save energy and money. That’s because it’s much cheaper to fix minor issues now before they become major ones later, possibly requiring a whole system repair or replacement.
Failure to replace your air filter regularly, for example, can result in a broken blower or the need for ductwork cleaning. Both of these options will cause you to spend more money than you had initially planned for.
Increased System Longevity
Regular tune ups prolong the lifespan of your HVAC system. You get more life out of the unit because it’s not under undue stress as it would be if it were dirty, clogged, or improperly sized for your needs. No one wants to be faced with replacing their system years earlier than they should have to.
Healthy, Safe Home
During a tune up, your technician will be on the lookout for areas of compromise that can harm your family, such as potential sources of carbon monoxide leaks. From enabling proper exhaust functions to clearing build-ups of dust, mold, and dander, your technician can ensure there are no poor air quality issues that can make your family sick.
Beat the Winter Rush
In the HVAC industry, summer and winter tend to be the busy seasons. By being proactive now in the fall, you can schedule your appointment before the holiday rush begins. This not only avoids scheduling difficulties, but it can also avoid potential rate increases by getting your tune up taken care of now rather than during peak season.
Contact Warm or Breezy Heating & Cooling
We’re in full swing with our fall tune ups, so give us a call today at (586) 335-3044 for a free quote and to schedule your appointment before winter hits.